Scrubbing your Address Book Clean
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Address Book Scrubber will fix some common data problems with Address Book contacts such as ill-formatted phone numbers or zip codes and goofed up labels like "hOme" instead of "home". If you found that your iPod or Palm no longer have addresses or phone numbers (but the contact itself is still there), it may be from these goofed up labels.
My apologies to users outside the US. I still haven't gotten around to generalizing the scrubbing better to fit other telephone patterns.
The software is Public Domain. Feel free to learn from the source code. I certainly won't complain if you feel like giving me a few bucks but this code is hardly worth demanding any shareware money.

Change Log
- v0.2.1
- Fixed bug where null phone numbers actually crashed the program. Ouch!
- No longer tries to save changes when no changes were actually made.
- v0.2
- Fixed a bug where 7-digit phone numbers got messed up.
- Made a more robust phone number parser.
- Added more formats for phone numbers to be in.
- Added ability to fix simple zip code mistakes.
- For what it's worth, it's multithreaded now. Yippee.
- Displays your picture, if you have one in your Address Book.
- Made an icon for it. I'm waiting for Apple to sue me though...
- v0.1 - Initial release.